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Have you had a demo of the Creative Tender business development portal yet? Creative Tenders Reviews

Have you had a demo of the Creative Tender business development portal yet?  What do you think? Creative Tenders reviews We are so keen to hear people’s thoughts on the Creative Tenders portal. Have you had your demo yet? We are so pleased at how well the take up has...

Creative Tenders launch Creative Growth | Write Good Digital Tenders

Creative Tenders has officially launched Creative Growth, a tender training service for creative agencies and freelancers. The service has been launched by Jill Hudson Founder of Creative Tenders to help agencies maximise the potential of their access to Creative Tenders. Jill said, “this service allows businesses who are struggling to...

Creative Tenders moves to Durham

Creative Tenders moves to Durham We are excited to announce that Creative Tenders will be moving to Durham in April 2016 to support its bid for high growth. The growing software company will be moving to the prestigious business park – City West at Meadowfield in Durham after signing a...

Are you looking for a new creative agency to work with? Creative Agency Tenders

Are you looking for a new creative agency to work with?  Look no further  Businesses work with creative agencies for different reasons, and you don’t have to be a multi million pound business to benefit from an agency relationship. Branding in a business is so important and people follow brands...

Can we have your feedback on how you currently tender for new business?

Can we have your feedback on how you currently tender for new business? Before we started developing our product we took a selection of creative agencies feedback on the systems they use and how they tender for work. This ranged quite a bit but a few usual culprits appeared. Usually...

What percentage of your work comes from tendering?

What percentage of your work comes from tendering?  Do you think you maximise this sales channel? After me moaning last week about what people find difficult about tendering for the creative sector, I thought I best discuss something a little more lighthearted. Success rates! As I have worked in all...

Struggling to find the right supplier for your marketing project?

Struggling to find the right creative supplier for your marketing project?  Finding the right creative supplier for your business is extremely important. From research into the businesses that use Creative Finder we have been informed that they use our service for multiple reasons: They wouldn’t know who to contact, or...

What do you find difficult about creative sector tendering?

Creative sector tendering, what do you find difficult about it? As you’ve probably guessed by now we want to see the creative sector in the UK grow, and we believe we can help. Each week we will launch an open discussion and your feedback counts. The more feedback we get...

Struggling to win website tenders?

Struggling to win website tenders?  Would you like us to provide feedback on your website tender submission? Are you struggling to win public tenders, or even be shortlisted when submitting proposals? Isn’t it annoying? We have produced a blog previously about the importance of gathering feedback, but some feedback isn’t...

Meet the Team – Creative Tenders – The Tendering Website for the Creative Sector

Meet the Team – Creative Tenders – The Tendering Website for the Creative Sector Meet the Creative Tenders Management Team We are thrilled to have our full management team in place now at Creative Tenders. Meet the members of our team below. Meet Jill Jill has worked in the creative...

Creative Tenders free for a year

Creative Tenders free for a year This month sees Creative Tenders launch a competition via its social media pages Twitter and Facebook to gain access to the system for your business FREE for the first 12 months. You can have access to all creative contracts in the UK at your...

The complicated tender process

The complicated tender process The tender process can be daunting. However, it is less complicated than many people think it is and many creative and digital SMEs are losing out on potential clients because they shy away from the tender process.

Why should SMEs tender for work through digital marketplace?

Why should SMEs tender for work through digital marketplace? As an experienced writer of tenders for a variety of SMEs, I have asked myself whilst writing tenders and racking my brains for a synonym for ‘experience’ – should SMEs tender for work?